Tuesday, September 11, 2012

iPad Apps for teaching Indian Languages

I overhead my son telling someome "My dad speaks Belongi".  Taken aback, I was not sure whether to laugh or cry.  My Bengali husband, and I, with my Tamil background, had failed to teach any Indian language to our US born kids.  As usual, I turned to the first resource I could think of - the App store on our iPad.

So, I started experimenting with iPad apps for learning Indian languages.  I downloaded apps for both Bangla and Hindi.  I have given up on Tamil since I was raised in Mumbai, and can't read or write in Tamil.

There are two types of apps - those that are like online flash cards that show a picture and say the Bangla/Hindi word for it, and others that let kids trace out letters using their fingers.  So, far these apps have caught my 5 year old's imagination.  She can watch and trace for hours.

Ones I have used so far to teach Bangla are -

Utalk Bengali

Utalk Bengali is great for learning words and phrases:

iwritebangla is great for learning to write the letters.  There is something to be said about using one's fingers to trace on a glass surface.  The tactile experience is even more fun than writing with a pen or pencil.

Just found one more app that is highly rated.  Am yet to try it out.  Will do so soon, and post our experience with it - Hashi Khushi Bangla App.

Ones I have used so far to teach Hindi are -

Hindi cards
Learn Hindi

The Hindi Flash cards app such as Hindi Cards work for kids with a lot of patience.  My five year old can go through these.  But, my eight year old, who is not self motivated to learn any language other than English could not care less for these.

Am yet to find apps for Hindi that are truly high quality and captivating.  Will keep looking!

Fidgety Kids

I finally found a physical aid that helps my son sit still in class.  It is an inflatable disc.  Here is the link to it on Amazon:  Chair Cushion.  My 8 year old loves it, and diligently packs it in his school bag every morning since it helps him focus in class.  Not sure if it works for all kids, but definitely worked for us!